Services: Brand strategy, Naming, Communication Strategy

The application also solves a problem when an insurance event occurs.

Yes, it's possible in Ukraine, in 2021.


The team has requested to launch the brand in the market, attract new customers, ensure brand consistency, and effectively communicate the product features.

Brand Strategy

Insurance in people's lives

We conducted a strategic session with the team, followed by research to gain deeper insights into insurance in people's daily lives.

Additionally, we formulated hypotheses about our main audience.

Our person

In the interview, we met Kostya. He is a modern, 30-year-old man. While he isn't a fan of Silicon Valley or Elon Musk, he keeps up with current events diligently.

Whether it's an iPhone presentation or a rocket launch, he's interested.

Subscriptions to Netflix, Spotify, Apple Music, and Megogo are quite common for him. He is open-minded.

This is some text inside of a div block.


Kostya inspired us with a new strategy.
We describe it in one word:


You can choose and buy insurance
faster with the application,
solve paperwork, and continue
doing what you like.

Raptom — is an insurance application, where you are insured, and if something happens, repaired fast.


In an interview with the audience, we understood that the name "Sdelky" has more of an association with finance rather than the insurance sphere. So, we decided to change it.



The main identity idea is a circle filled with a gradient, symbolizing the SOS button.

What can be simpler than shapes?

We were looking for elements which will be available for our customer to remember and explain simply. That even the five-year-old child understood.


When we worked on communication, we realized that the driver who had a car accident was upset not only because of it but also because plans changed rapidly.

He was driving to his office, and someone scratched the car. Unpleasant experience.


Besides dealing with the stress and paperwork of insurance, he must change or cancel his deals, which upsets the driver the most.

A small accident is a big problem, but it can also be solved without spending a whole day on this routine.
As a result, a new message emerges

Something's wrong - decide quickly

Something's wrong - decide quickly
Digital ads for vertical format

Additional message

We advertise not only the advantages of the application but also the purchase of insurance.

Something's wrong - decide quickly

Digital ads for vertical format
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